Tilly's Fairy Tale Tea Party
Children evokes innocence and purity. In a fairy tale, children sees magical imagination, heavenly state, or ethereal sense. This shoot I hoped to exhibit that extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world....

Space Between the Eyelids
This COVID times have made us cower unto ourselves as we seem to be caught in the black rain, hiding behind masks and anxiously wondering when this is going to end. What could be more affected than a child's innocence disturbed? Olivia's piercing eyes serve as the windows to our souls and with her emotive stare represents our exasperations in these trying times....... Yet, in some sense, the beautiful, calming space between her eyelids be our guide, she also promises us a ray of hope for a better tomorrow.

Binibining Pilipina
In the Filipino language, binibini means miss; beautiful young woman; young lady; ladies. Certainly miss Kayla exudes that Filipina beauty, appeal and charm, always smiling no matter what situation she is in.


Any time her children misses a call or forget to come see her, she makes sure that they do and gather them together especially during special season like Christmas. She does not hesitate to instill what family means; she has a strong belief that family ties start and happiness are intertwined to family togetherness.
Like little spaceships come back to roost and refuel our sense of family, they always comeback to the mothership. That is the role a mother cherishes the most. She, makes sure her flocks does not get lost their ways of which makes them beautiful human beings – loving, appreciation of life, humble, caring and all that family gives us strength to do so.
Who knows, our children will form their own gathering to their own children some day that there is a mothership to go to called home and family. More importantly the series is to emphasize and pay homage to the real center of the family, which, of course, is the mother.

Portraits of You
Direction of the light matters. Natural light.


Winter Kills

Young Henry

The Center Unit
We are just the little planets that are pulled together by a Star, who makes the family system a cohesive unit.