A year before she passed away...
Poligina Camacho Tomas (Sep 23, 1928-July 28, 2022). Time has taken a toll on her. Yet, it's those wrinkles have earned her every right and the proper attention from her children-as it should be for her stature.
At a tender age of 14, an arranged marriage was her faith no less to a barrio boy, a mere 18 himself as well a Filipino guerrilla fighter in the midst of WWII against the Japanese in 1942. Education was not on the forefront for young ladies with disadvantaged socio-economic class and a culture at which life was dictated for them at that time. Both forced to grow up faster than they should.
Nevertheless, she and her late husband, Alfonso Lagrimas Tomas (April 19, 1924-June 4, 1991) rose to local political prominence with great conscience for the people. Honorable reputation and loyal to righteous causes, they were even once courted by the likes of the Aquinos and the Cojuangcos to defeat a dictator.
But life throws you for a curve; ordeals sometimes do not last forever.
It does however comes back again thru the parents' hard earned legacy.
At 49, she emigrated to a foreign land; he 3 years prior in 1974. Separated by time and distance for those long years but set out anew regardless. They hardly knew of their new country except for the promise of its opportunity. Proud once they were; humbled, she only became a nurse’s aide; he a custodian. Focus with their new reality, but with self determination and for family's sake, they made do to set forth the foundation for their children.
10 restless children she had raised (9 boys, 1 girl); a teenage mother with her first child a year after her marriage and in the midst of war; she birthed the youngest son at age 42. She outlived two. Imagine the life she had lived.
4' 11", yet, she cast a long shadow. She was once regal. And she was a queen to us all the way to the end. Poligina was a resilient woman, wise beyond her years, toughness with fortitude, and a strong willed mother despite the odds.

Remembering mom and dad during their younger years raising 9+boys and a girl. At early age (not even considered a teen, 14 yrs old at the time) she was forced into marriage. As innocent as she was at the time, she too! had dreams of her own and resisted as much a she can not to enter to her mom's wishes but in vain. But the stage was set (makeshift altar in front of their Nipa house) and tried to resist to say I do every time the priest asked her to. Our Lola (her mom) was ever present on her side during their ceremony and made sure mom answered right, or else, she met with numerous pinching on her butt and everywhere. She wasn't happy and cried throughout the ceremony. But in the end, mom learned to loved our dad. with her whole heart, she became the favorite daughter in law that caused profound jealousy of dad's brother. He called it "The Pet". Happily married, mom and dad entered another facet of their lives after dad briefed stint in U.S. Army during WWII...Politics. It was the years when the late Gov/ Sen Ninoy Aquino was a household name in our province. With dad's political affiliation with the Cojuangcos' and Aquinos' he too! became a well know n name in politics, a Counselor and a Vice Mayor. of the town. During the political campaigning in those days, the Cojuangcos and Aquinos come and go to our house giving suppor t to dad and won. I remembered vividly Benigno Aquino (running for Gov. at the time) came to the house and he was really down to earth person, he let me sited on his lap for a moment and then put a shirt on me with a caption "NINOY IS MY BOY"...of course! it was a political adds, 😄😄😄. Then their political dynasty ends, and Martial Law came. Political enemy was persecuted. freedom curtailed, imprisonment, torture and killing ensued. Dad's sunny days as politician end and moved out of town to another place called Bayambang thru the invitations of mom's good brother and mother, Uncle Andon and Apong Tuning. It was also the beginning of the great migration to a new life for us...the U.S.A. the beautiful....~Orlando Thomas, 5th son.

Hardship is a conundrical term to most. Our mother knew of hardship, but she treated it like a friend. She embraced hardship with much sacrifice. It wasn't a choice to let life down or rule her. She trudged thru and engaged. For she had to live..for her children.

Mother of the Sea
The sea among mother of mothers;
She of the browbeaten.
Weathered time churned more so.
Yet…dutiful she endured.
Proud, she had to be;
10 restless children,
She raised;
No time to exhale….
She is calm now.
My mother of the sea.
Unrequited Love
A son wanders still.
Rudderless, he remembers not where he belongs.
The one who bore the brunt of it all.
Whilst his mother passes on to the sky.
Vanishes the chance he will no longer reach.
Vanishes the chance he will no longer reach.
Lost, his soul walks the edge along the abyss.
Yearning....Longing.. His burden alone shall be fated.
For him, he is lost to his mother...
But a mother's love to her children---- is forever.